EXCELLERAT P2 All Hands Meeting 2024: Collaborative Insights in Barcelona

Barcelona Supercomputing Center hosted the latest All Hands Meeting of EXCELLERAT P2 on January 30-31, 2024. This event marked a pivotal moment for the project, bringing together 31 experts from various disciplines to share insights, achievements, and strategies. The meeting commenced with welcoming words from the project coordinator, Bastian Koller from HLRS, setting the tone for two days of collaborative discussions. The agenda included a variety of topics that showed the progress and advancements within each work package (WP).
The first day began with a presentation on the use case execution under WP2, followed by a showcase of achievements in two parts, allowing each use case to present their code, answer questions, and receive feedback. The afternoon session featured presentations on Exa-HPC Methodologies and Technologies (WP3), Workflow Development (WP4), and Centre Operation (WP5). The day concluded with insights into Market Context and Business Development (WP6), including a discussion on the Technology Readiness Level Development Methodology and Product Management challenges. In parallel, the communications team recorded short video statements with the project partners for future dissemination purposes.

Day 2 began with a session on Awareness, Impact Creation & Outreach (WP7), setting the stage for a day filled with strategic insights. The Management session (WP1) delved into the core of the project’s organisational structure which was followed by a presentation about the service portal, discussing updates, plans, and onboarding concepts. In the afternoon, the topic shifted to sustainability with a talk on the Horizon Results Booster (HRB) Methodology that explored methods for ensuring the sustainability of EXCELLERAT P2’s key exploitable results.
The day continued with discussions on the EuroHPC CI/CD Gitlab platform, a community-building session, and a KPI session discussing technical and dissemination progress status and the roadmap to month 24. The meeting concluded with closing remarks, summarising key takeaways and outlining the further path for EXCELLERAT P2.
The Barcelona All Hands Meeting was a convergence of innovation, collaboration, and shared expertise. The discussions and insights gained during these two days will shape the future trajectory of EXCELLERAT P2. As the echoes of this event still reverberate, the EXCELLERAT team eagerly anticipates the continued realisation of their goals and the developments that lie ahead.