EXCELLERAT Exploitation Strategy Seminar with Horizon Results Booster for Vistle, Alya and Uqit
In collaboration with experts from Horizon Results Booster (HRB), EXCELLERAT has completed its first internal Exploitation Strategy Seminar for three selected Key Exploitable Results (KERs): Vistle, Alya and UQit on October 29th 2021.
There were 16 attendees for this internal seminar with four speakers: Dennis Grieger and Teona Macharadze (Vistle), Joan Farnós (Alya) Saleh Rezaeiravesh (UQit), and two experts from HRB: Péter Mogyorósi and Balázs Mogyorósi.
The event included an introduction by Dr. Péter Mogyorósi, the HRB expert and was followed with a session for each KER where the selected partner presented and discussed their KER with the HRB expert and their exploitation strategy. Two services were requested and obtained from HRB for the selected partners in order to help them with:
- The description of the selected KERs
- The intentions of each partner with regard to use of the KERs.

The introduction was an opportunity for the three selected KERs to extend their knowledge of the services provided by HRB and to present succinctly their results and intentions before their dedicated sessions.
The seminar highlighted the importance for each KER to use every service proposed by the European Commission and to interact within the EXCELLERAT project among partners to fine-tune their Exploitation Roadmap.
Future use of additional services by HRB are being considered for the KERs in order to benefit from further interactions and discussions.