Reference Codes
Alya is a high performance computational mechanics code to solve complex coupled multi-physics / multi-scale / multi-domain problems, which are mostly coming from the engineering realm. Among the different physics solved by Alya we can mention: incompressible/compressible flows, non-linear solid mechanics, chemistry, particle transport, multiphase problems, heat transfer, turbulence modeling, electrical propagation, etc. Alya is one of the two CFD codes of the Unified European Applications Benchmark Suite (UEBAS) as well as the Accelerator benchmark suite of PRACE.
AVBP is a compressible fine element Navier Stokes solver dedicated to reactive flows. Using the cell-vertex approach, it is capable of solving complex gaseous and two phase-flow problems covering academic and industrial applications. AVBP is at the state of the art of high performance computing and computational fluid dynamics modelling.
CODA is a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software for the solution of the RANS equations on unstructured grids based on second-order finite-volume and higher-order Discontinuous-Galerkin (DG) discretizations. The implementation addresses the efficient utilization of current and upcoming high performance computing clusters. CODA is being co-developed by Airbus, ONERA (the French Aerospace Lab), and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), offering the possibility of contributions from further partners on the basis of individual agreements.
An OOP ray-tracing framework for Python. Raysect has been built with scientific ray-tracing in mind. Fully spectral, high precision. Supports scientific ray-tracing of spectra from physical light sources such as plasmas. All core loops are written in Cython for speed. Easily extensible, written with user customisation of materials and emissive sources in mind. Different observer types are supported such as Pinhole cameras and optical fibres.
m-AIA (multi-physics AIA) is a multi-physics partial differential equation (PDE) solver framework with a focus on problems related to computational fluid dynamics, computational aeroacoustics and structural mechanics. It is developed at the Chair of Fluid Mechanics and Institute of Aerodynamics (AIA) at RWTH Aachen University in Germany.
OpenFOAM is the free, open source CFD software developed primarily by OpenCFD Ltd since 2004. It has a large user base across most areas of engineering and science, from both commercial and academic organisations. OpenFOAM has an extensive range of features to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to acoustics, solid mechanics and electromagnetics
L2G was developed with a specific goal: detailed assessments of plasma power loading on complex, actively or passively cooled walls of magnetically confined fusion devices. It contains Additional tools for analyzing magnetic equilibrium data. Magnetic equilibrium data is automatically analysed to determine the type of the scenario, whether it is diverted or limited. L2G is adaptable to any custom scrape of layer (SOL) profile. L2G is an OpenMP-parallel program that can utilize most HPC hardware.