Success Stories
EXCELLERAT P2 Success Stories
Scientific Achievement
High-fidelity simulation using Adaptive Mesh Refinement with Spectral Element Method solver Neko
Keywords: HPC, CDF, High fidelity simulations, Spectral element method, Adaptive mesh refinement
Industry sectors: Automotive, Aerospace
Key codes used: Neko, Nek5000

Scientific Achievement
Advanced scalable workflow of ray tracing kernel for radiative heat loads assessment
Keywords: Connecting codes, Digital Twins
Industry sectors: Automotive, Energy
Key codes used: L2G, OpenFOAM, Raysect

EXCELLERAT P1 Success Stories
Scientific Achievement
In situ VR visualisation of Nek5000 simulations with Vistle
Keywords: FPGA, Exascale, engineering simulations, incompressible flow, GPUs
Industry sectors: All sectors
Key codes used: Nek5000, Vistle, SENSEI

Scientific Achievement
Running AVBP Industrial code on Arm architectures
Keywords: Performance portability, HPC on the cloud, Arm HPC
Industry sectors: High performance computing simulation and engineering
Key codes used: AVBP

Scientific Achievement
Transparent Integration of Emerging HPC Technologies into the Computational Fluid Dynamics Software CODA
Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aerospace, High Performance Computing, GPU, Linear equation systems, Aircraft aerodynamics
Industry sectors: Aerospace
Key codes used: CODA, Spliss

Scientific Achievement
Accelerating Alya engineering simulations by using FPGAs
Keywords: FPGA, Exascale, engineering simulations, incompressible flow, GPUs
Industry sectors: Automotive, Aerospace, Manufacturing, Energy
Key codes used: Alya

Scientific Achievement
A novel framework for online estimation of the uncertainties in turbulent flow statistics
Keywords: Turbulence simulation, time-averaging uncertainty, in-situ algorithms
Industry sectors: Aerospace, Automotive, Energy
Key codes used: Nek5000, UQit, In-Situ Toolbox

Scientific Achievement
Enabling sustainable GPU acceleration on a Fortran legacy code
Keywords: CFD, combustion simulation, parallel performance, GPU computing, OpenACC
Industry sectors: Aerospace, Automotive
Key codes used: AVBP

A POP proof-of-concept allows a Bunsen flame use case from EXCELLERAT to run two times faster
Keywords: Performance optimisation, Assessment ,PoC, MPI, DLB, load imbalance
Industry sectors: Automotive, Energy
Key codes used: L2G, OpenFOAM, Raysect

Improving the HiDALGO CoE’s Urban Air Pollution Pilot
Keywords: Simulation optimisation, parallelisation, mesh quality
Industry sectors: Global challenges, environmental applications
Key codes used: Urban Air Pollution Pilot

Enabling Nek5000 on GPU systems
Keywords: GPU, NVIDIA, AMD, OpenACC, OpenMP, SEM, Nek5000
Industry sectors: Automotive, Aerospace
Key codes used: Nek5000

Scientific Achievement
Accelerating engineering codes using reconfigurable architectures
Keywords: FPGA testbed, memory-bound code, dataflow
Industry sectors: code development
Key codes used: Nekbone, Nek5000, Alya

Enabling High Performance Computing for Industry through a Data Exchange & Workflow Portal
Keywords: Data Transfer, Data Management, Data Reduction, Automatisation, Simplification, Dynamic Load Balancing, Dynamic Mode Decomposition, Data Analytics, combustor design
Industry sectors: Aeronautics
Key codes used: Alya

Scientific Achievement
Bringing industrial end-users to Exascale computing: An industrial level combustion design tool on 128K cores
Keywords: Exascale
Industry sectors: Aerospace
Key codes used: AVBP

Scientific Achievement
Mesh optimising by using an a posteriori adjoint based error estimation
Keywords: Mathematical model: Adjoint based morphing Mesh optimising
Industry sectors: Automotive, Aerospace
Key codes used: FEniCS HPC, Unicorn HPC, Tetgen

Scientific Achievement
Enabling parallel mesh adaptation with Treeadapt
Keywords: CFD, Mesh adaptation, Parallel performance, Load balancing
Industry sectors: Aeronautics, High Performance Computing
Key codes used: AVBP, Treepart, Treeadapt

Scientific Achievement
Full Airplane Simulations on Heterogeneous Architectures
Industry sectors: Aeronautics
Key codes used: Alya