White Papers
Monitoring High-Performance Computing at scale - introduction and worked example
Authors: Antoine Dauptain and Elsa Gullaud
There is still a long way to go to before using Tier-O High Performance Computers for engineering design every day. Moving from a handful of demonstration runs to the desired mass production will require special pair of glasses to get insights on how end-users actually used each software on each machine.

Enabling High-Performance Collaboration: An HPC Data exchange platform
Authors: Jens Gerle and Joachim Grimm
As part of the EXCELLERAT project, SSC is developing a secure data exchange and transfer platform to facilitate the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) in industry and to make data transfer more efficient.

Empowering Large-Scale Turbulent Flow Simulations With UQ Techniques
Authors: Saleh Rezaeiravesh and Christian Gscheidle
An effective, robust simulation must account for potential sources of uncertainty. But how do you know which uncertainties to expect and quantify without using an enormous amount of computing power? UQit is the answer.

FPGAs for accelerating HPC engineering workloads – the why and the how
Author: Nick Brown
Running high performance workloads on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) has been explored but is yet to demonstrate widespread success. Software developers have traditionally felt a significant disconnect from the knowledge required to effectively exploit FPGAs, which included the esoteric programming technologies, long build times, and lack of familiar software tooling.

The EXCELLERAT Best Practice Guide - Introduction and Overview
Author: Ralf Schneider
Having worked together throughout the 42 months of the initial funding phase, we are presenting a Best Practice Guide of ways and approaches to execute engineering applications on state of the art high-performance computing systems in preparation for the exascale era. This white paper provides an introduction and overview of its structure for further guidance.